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Water for humidifiers

The quality of the water supplied to the humidifier has a significant influence on the frequency of servicing the device, the quality of the water mist and the efficiency of operation. Humidification is the process of converting water into steam, so it is no surprise that water quality has an influence on the humidification process.


Water treatment methods for humidifiers

Air humidification systems and equipment are a potential source of transmission of viruses and bacteria, including Legionella. By using deionized water to sterilize equipment, health risks can be avoided. Watersystem as a specialist understands the challenges and has the appropriate knowledge and technologies to obtain water of high quality parameters for powering steam humidifiers.

Effective methods of water filtration include:

  •     mechanical filtration
  •     activated carbon filtration
  •     water softening
  •     reverse osmosis process