Home Interactive fountains Water treatment plants Industrial wastewater treatment installations

The rapid development of various branches of the economy around the world means that natural resources are used more and more. One of the ways to protect them is to control pollutants that are introduced into the environment in which we live.

What is industrial sewage

Pursuant to the definition included in the Water Law Act (uniform text: Journal of Laws of 2012, No. 0, item 145, as amended), Art. 9, section 1, p. 17) industrial wastewater is "wastewater, other than domestic wastewater or rainwater or meltwater, arising in connection with the trade, industrial, storage, transport or service activities conducted by the plant, as well as being a mixture thereof with wastewater of another entity, discharged sewage equipment of this plant ”. Wastewater discharged both directly to the environment and to special sewage systems should always meet the quality parameters defined by law. It is necessary to treat especially industrial wastewater, which is often toxic and poses a great threat to the entire ecosystem.

How can we help

For each of our clients, we are ready to analyze their needs, specify them and prepare an appropriate solution. Treatment of industrial wastewater requires the preparation of a specialized concept so that it can be safely discharged into the sewage system. When starting cooperation with us, you can be sure that the technology implemented by us will meet such assumptions.

Wastewater treatment process in IBC container wash

Wastewater treatment plants are carried out in several stages.


  •     Decanting in which the liquid phases of liquids with different densities are layered and each is removed separately.
  •     Flotation. It consists in taking part of the stream of pre-treated water. This water, aerated with fine air bubbles and subjected to high pressure, is injected into the raw sewage stream. Then the air bubbles expand into millions of microscopic particles, which are centers of condensation of contaminants suspended in the sewage. The bubbles expand, bringing the contamination to the surface
  •     Precipitation, i.e. the appropriate adjustment of the pH value by adding organic sedimentation agents. It causes the precipitation of contaminants dissolved in water, such as: light hydrocarbons, heavy metals, substances increasing the COD and AOX values ​​into a suspension. Suspensions floating in water bind to the hydrate layer of organic microclysters. The addition of polymer causes the flocs to grow by fusing them together, up to a size of about 10 mm. As a result, industrial wastewater is treated and free from toxic substances polluting the environment.
  •     Sludge dewatering